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Unbiased help you find the right advisor for you. They match you with a fully qualified expert to help you with your money, so that’s an accountant, a solicitor, a financial advisor or a mortgage advisor.
Unbiased can help you find the right advisor for you. They match you with a fully qualified expert to help you with your money, so that’s an accountant, a solicitor, a financial advisor or a mortgage advisor – to help with buying your new home, remortgaging, your pension, retiring, company accounts or anything else money related for that matter. Find the full list of services available below.
They’re able to do this because they have a huge 27,000 professional advisors registered with them ready to help people right across the UK, and able to be searched in just a few seconds. Think Google but for financial advice.
What stands out for Unbiased here is that to be included as an advisor on their platform, the advisor must be able to search the whole market when recommending financial products for a customer, otherwise they won't be accepted. For instance, when looking for a mortgage, if an advisor can't search all mortgage products out there, (there's over 20,000), then you might be losing out on the best deal for you, through no fault of your own, simply that the advisor couldn't search them.
It means an Unbiased advisor will always be able to find the best deal for you, whatever that might be, as they can search every financial product out there, rather than just a limited amount. Starting to make sense why they are called Unbiased?
It’s very important to us here at Nuts About Money that you are getting the right advice, and we always recommend using an advisor who is whole-of-market, one who can search every product out there, otherwise, you might be missing out on the best deal for you.
It's actually free to use the service. But of course you will be paying the advisor for their advice once you have been matched with one and only if you decide to go ahead. However, you can get a free assessment from an advisor first, and there’s no obligation to use any advisor you are matched with, plus if you use the free assessment, you get £50 off the cost of advice too.
It’s free for you to use as a customer, result, but it’s not free for the advisors to list their services. They pay for a subscription to Unbiased, and also pay for each customer who gets in touch with them for their advice. Don’t feel bad for them though, it’s just business.
It offers two main features, both search features, the first is a personalised matching service, which matches you with the right advisor after filling out a few questions to let them know what you’re after. For instance, if you’re looking to buy a new home, you’ll let them know a few details about how much you want to borrow and the property value etc, and then they’ll find the best mortgage advisor local to you. And the same for any other service you’re looking for. Or rather, their software will find the right advisor for you. It’s fast too.
Alternatively, you can browse for advisors local to your area, filtering for what you’re looking for, such as mortgage advisors, and view this as a map or a list of advisors. Each advisor has a bio page that you can check out, with their response rating, qualifications and accreditations, customer reviews, office location, preferred clients, and website and contact details. Basically, anything and everything you need to know, to help you make the right decision. If you’re not sure however, just use their matching service, and they’ll send you in the right direction.
The response ratings and customer reviews are particularly useful. Have a play around with the site and check out a few advisor reviews to get a feel for how good their customer service is. The response rating means how often they get back to an initial enquiry, it’s a rating out of 10 and helps people avoid those advisors who fail to get back to customers.
Unbiased have a rating of Great, from nearly 6,000 reviews and a rating of 4.1. Not too bad. They’re active in responding to negative feedback too, which is a very good sign that any issues you might run into will be resolved by their customer service team.
Choice, simplicity, confidence. Is what they stand for, and to be fair to them, it’s exactly what they offer. The choice is large, 27,000 professionals, and hundreds typically local to your area. It’s super simple to use and to get matched with the right advisor. And it does give you the confidence that you’ll be matched with the right advisor, and that advisor will offer great advice.
We do! Because it offers independent and impartial advice once you are matched with a local advisor, unbiased advice if you will, and because the service is free to use, it makes sense to use it. Just do bear in mind, you’ll be paying the advisor for their advice. But you’ll know what their fees are, and what they’ll be doing as they must let you know and agree to the advice beforehand as part of their service. Here's where to get started.
Get matched with the right advisor for you for free with Unbiased.
Get matched with the right advisor for you for free with Unbiased.
Get matched with the right advisor for you for free with Unbiased.
Get matched with the right advisor for you for free with Unbiased.
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Get matched with the right advisor for you for free with Unbiased.